Benefits of installing CJC® Filtration
- Protect your investment
- Extend oil lifetime with a factor 4
- Eliminate 3 out of 4 shutdowns
- Reduce spare parts consumption by up to 60%
- Reduce risk of unforeseen breakdowns, repairs and maintenance
When you install a CJC® Oil Filtration solution on your tap changer, you get an oil filter with excellent dirt, water and oxidation residue removal capabilities.
If the tap changer oil is not kept clean, dry and free from degradation by-products, the constant switching of Tap Changer creates continuous sparking and extreme temperatures the burn the oil in the Tap Changer which causes carbon residue and sludge to be present with sludge reducing the effectiveness of the tap changer, while condensation from continuous temperature fluctuations in colder climates can gradually increase the water content in the oil. The tap changer operation may fail, leading to costly repair and in the meantime power is not delivered to the grid, and the risk of penalties arises. Worst case, there is a risk of flash that can lead to safety hazards.
CJC® Fine Filters are offline oil filtration solutions with integrated circulating pumps for off-line installation. The filters are recognized around the world as highly efficient purification systems for applications involving hydraulic oil, lubrication oil, gear oil, quenching oil, phosphate esters and more.
CJC® Fine Filters are ideal for controlling oil contamination levels for particles, water and degradation products (oxidation resin/sludge, varnish).