The CJC® PreConditioner (PC) is intended for installation before a CJC® Blue Baleen Oil Absorb (OA) system in marine bilge water over board systems or other waste water systems in order to:
- Pre-conditioning of bilge water
- Protection of and reduced insert change at the CJC® OilAbsorb System
- Reduced service costs
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The CJC® Blue Baleen PreConditioner (PC) is a bag filter, designed for conditioning of bilge water and other types of process or waste water.
The CJC® PreConditioner (PC) is intended for installation before a CJC® Blue Baleen OilAbsorb
(OA) system in marine bilge water over board systems or other waste water systems in order to:
- Remove solid contaminants, rust, soot, sand and dust etc. from the water.
- Extend the service time of the CJC® OilAbsorb Inserts by removing large oil droplets from the waste water.
As standard the CJC® PreConditioner is equipped with 5 µm and 2 µm polypropylene bag filters.